November 3, 2008

My Halloween Mistake

This Halloween was monumental because it was the first Halloween in over 5 years that I haven't dressed up 80's. I was quite excited at first as I was getting dressed up, wondering to myself "This is fun!! Why haven't I switched things up in past years?"

Well, I was reminded as soon as I left my apartment. Immediately everyone started asking me what the heck I was...and then finally some boy asked, "Are you a Hooker?"

Back to 80's it is.

(Oh, by the way, I was a Cave Woman. But maybe I was a Hooker-Cave-Woman without even realizing it...I am not quite sure what they looked like back then.)


Kiersten White said...

Totally a hooker cavewoman. Look at you, being all creative.

I usually like hooker fairies and hooker Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz better, but you rocked it.

patdwhite said...

When I saw your picture, I totally thought "Wilma Flintstone"! What is wrong with people? I don't know, Hodus, for some reason there is usually an element of "hooker" when you dress up. Don't ever be a nun for Halloween!

Mama White said...

BTW, who is the "Hooker Cheerleader" standing next to you?

Mama White said...

BTW, who is the "Hooker Cheerleader" standing next to you?

Kiersten White said...