My family all met up in San Diego for my niece's baptism. There is nothing better in the world then getting together with my whole family. I can't believe how much my family is growing and how stinkin' cute we are!
Devin and I went to Capitol Reef the next weekend for a quick little get away. We ate a delicious fire-cooked dinner, played card games in our tent and went on a few beautiful hikes. I love that Devin and I share the same sense of adventure. It has taken us to some amazing places!
5 years ago
Come on lauren. You are already 2 behind. Seriously. I guess you can just have asher. On second though, can I have asher?
Your family is beautiful! You are all a little.. little too! We had a hard time sharing you for 2 weekends in a row though!
How did I not know about your blog until just now.
Glad I found it.
Your family is the best.
I am the best.
We're all the best.
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