It goes kinda like this:
We meet. . .
We meet. . .
(clearly, we were both in pretty bad shape before we met each other)
We like each other (day 1, week 1)

{he} likes the jazz, mustaches & history
{she} likes teaching, painted nails & nature
{we} like traveling, board games & one another
Established November 2009
We’ve got our love to pay the bills^
I'm not gonna lie. I went and read it again. I thought I must have read something wrong and consequently missed the entire "dating" period of the relationship story. I was wrong. So wrong. So typical. So.... can I make it into a book and draw pictures for it and publish it and become a millionaire off it? Please?
I see winking is still difficult for you.
However, falling in love on the first day is not.
Love you, you 80s slut.
Why am I the one with the book deal??? Clearly you have all of the storytelling talent in the family. I could never have come up with a premise a) that absurd and b) that adorable.
it's not real till i meet him.
AHH! Blog buddies for life. Okay I'm seriously so glad I can keep up on the up and comings of your exciting life. Congrats sweetie. I heart marriage! Love you!
AAAAAh! I'm so excited for you babe. I so wish I could come to your wedding.
Its about the right person..not the "right" timing. :)
(i had plenty of defending myself at 18...!!)
& thank you for the mommy comment. i lovevvveee it. it's what i was born to do. (so i'm finding out anyways) She's the BEST thing that has ever, andi'm convinced will ever happen to me y mi hubby. :)
ps. CONGRATS!!!!!!!
So fast, but when it's right it's right.
I couldn't be happier for you Lauren.
You make me believe in love.
Congratulations! what a FANTASTIC story!! ....its like a dream come simple, quick, and easy....true love at its best ;)
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