Well, I was surprised how many people have asked me to post more stories about my little ones. Do I have more stories? Oh, do I ever. Here goes Part 2.
Any Questions?
A few weeks ago a small plane crashed into my school while my students were at lunch. No big deal. Anyway, our school was put on a lock down and we had to bring the students back to our classroom. So my students are eating lunch when a firefighter comes in and explains to my students that there was a plane crash with a man and a dog on the plane. After he explains what happens he says the worst thing you can say to a first grader:
"Raise your hand if you have a question".
The following questions were asked:
1. What color was the dog? (I don't know).
2. We are eating in our classroom. (Not a question).
3. Did an airplane crash? (Yes, as I just said).
4. Was it an airplane? (Yes, it was).
5. What was the dogs name? (I don't know)
At this point I interjected and told the firefighter I would answer the rest of their questions. He looked very thankful and left.
My favorite thing to do is let the students ask questions to the student "Sharer" (see below). They NEVER know what to ask but they all raise their hands. I love watching them panic when they get picked and try to come up with a question. It is almost always the same question the person before asked or when in doubt they ALWAYS ask: "Do you have a scooter?".
Missing Student
I have this student in my class who after 9 weeks still hasn't a clue who anyone in the class is because he is always in his own little world. Every day I choose one student to be the "Sharer". They can share an object they bring from home, tell a joke or share a story. Well, it was this student's turn. He shared a story with the class and then I told the students they may ask questions. They all raise their hand and this student looks around at all the students and says, "How about the girl with long, curly blonde hair". All the students look around confused as they try to figure out who he means, because there is no one in our class that meets that description. Suddenly dawns on me...
"Do you mean so-and-so from Mrs. Blackburns class (another first grade class)?" I ask.
"Yes! Her!" He responds.
"Well, she isn't in our class.".
"Oh." he says.
"You need to choose someone who is in our class to ask you a question." I inform him.
"Well, then how about that kid" he replies as he points to a boy in the front row.
Dinner and a Show
One of our classroom incentives is lunch with the teacher. Every few weeks I choose 5 students from a drawing and they get to have lunch with me. This may sound like a punishment, but in 1st grade...it is the ultimate prize.
So we are having lunch in my classroom and the students start telling jokes. Most of them were your typical chicken-crossing-the-road jokes....but then this gem was told and my life will never be the same.
Knock, Knock.
Who's there?
Pizza who?
When you get pizza and you want some sides but the pizza is taking up too much of your plate, just put the sides on your pizza! (insert children laughing hysterically)
I made her repeat it, to make sure I understood it and didn't miss the part where it was actually a joke.
I love my job.
5 years ago
Thanks for posting more, dear Lauren! I love reading them!
Oh my goodness ... I'm laughing so hard. Love it.
Dear Lauren,
Your job makes me so happy!
Haha, you are such a cute teacher!
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